"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks."
John Muir

Monday, December 10, 2012

Time to Tune up the Sleigh

I know I've lamented that the flowers still blooming outside my door don't seem to belong  when Christmas is only 15 days away.

However, there is one BIG change in our backyard friends
 that let me know the season is upon us. 
Our deer have turned a darker shade of brown and the bucks show up more often.

During the warmer months we mostly see the Mamas and spotted babies.

But those little spotted babies are now the color of their mothers, having lost those darling spots, and all blend in so well to the browned, dry grasses.
God's protective camouflage.
Can you spy the younger deer behind her Mama as they peered at me this morning?

Since November there has been a good deal of romancing going on out in our backyard.
I think it is all aimed at getting these strong bucks the exercise they need to pull that toy laden sleigh around in just about 2 weeks from now.
Cash and Gigi were examining the individual deer this past weekend, trying to decide which ones were Dasher or Dancer or Donner or....well, you know.
It was quite the discussion to overhear.
So tune up that sleigh, Santa.
 Oil the harnesses and polish the jingle bells.
These deer are getting ready for the big night!
No matter the lack of snow or the color of the leaves here in Texas, they know Christmas will soon be here!

1 comment:

  1. You have such a good view from the back of your house! Lovely pictures of nature. carol
