"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks."
John Muir

Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Power of Multiplication

  Today is Mother's Day, a holiday my dad always scoffed at,
saying it just made Hallmark rich.  But, if I remember correctly, 
he still succumbed to buying flowers and such.

I want to take the day to tell you a personal story.
I love a story.  I always hated math.
But, as far as this story goes, the math is great!

Once upon a time there was a young family of 4.
Soon to become a family of 5.
Here we are all dressed in our finest on Mother's Day, 1981.
Don't snicker, leisure suits were the fashion in those days.
And besides, just look at how color-coordinated we were!

The young mother treasured this wee baby, knowing she would be the last.

But, tired as she was, the young mother blinked 
 and discovered she was cuddling another baby--
the wee  daughter of her own tiny girl from years ago.

How did this happen?  
Well, it's all about basic mathematics.
First those three children grew up.
Into handsome and wonderful adults, I must say.

Eventually the firstborn found the love of his life in Texas
and they became two.

Another brief blink and they were 4.
How amazing is that math?!

The second little girl stayed in New York to choose her love
and they, also, became two.

They have also grown their family by one more and 
he looks a lot like them,
don't you agree?

And remember that wee babe in the pictures above?
Well, she traveled to school in Alaska where she met her soulmate.

And the same mathematical principles proved true yet again...

The mother found she LOVED the role of grandmother!
Someone said, "A mother teaches and loves but a 
grandmother teaches love" and that's so true!

This mother's heart stretches far and wide to hold her children and
grandchildren close though they live 1,000's of miles apart.
The winter visits from Alaska to Texas connect the cousins.

So much sweetness-
we try to capture it with a professional photographer
so the these portraits bring smiles during the many
months of being apart.

This may seem an odd picture to include,
(I actually took a picture of it where it sits on the mantle-haha.)
but that mother was troubled knowing that all of her family
had never been together in one place.
How to gather all her chicks under her wings for once?
A cruise ship would handle this bunch!
And this was the only picture that included all 10 of us!!!

If you notice, the newest grandbaby is hiding in this picture. 
  The first night, around the dinner table on the ship, 
the mother smugly announced,
"Well, we are finally ALL TOGETHER in one place!  
All 10 of us!".
Quietly, the youngest daughter added,
"All ELEVEN of us!"

And it doesn't stop there...
recently our "baby" shared some exciting news,
nonverbal though she is.
The front of this shirt read "BIG SIS".

So, today, on yet another Mother's Day,
this no-longer-young mother is filled with contemplations.
Peering at  a myriad of pictures on the computer,
(never mind all the albums in the closets),
she fondles a remaining pair of baby shoes that 
still bears the scuff marks made by a toddler years ago.
And she ponders, what if she had never blinked?
True, she would be holding a soft, pink baby in her arms
but she would miss the many wonders of growing children 
and then growing grandbabies (and grand-dogs).
She knows in her heart that blinking is necessary,
but she'll never do it carelessly.
And this story has no end... thankfully.

Happy Mother's Day!