"In every walk with nature one receives more than he seeks."
John Muir

Friday, December 31, 2010

End of the Year Reflections

2010 is drawing its last ragged breath.
I am pausing appropriately to reflect on all that is now part of my history before Jack and I walk out the door to celebrate the event with friends.
Since memories strengthen with each review,
it is wise to focus on the positive ones and let the painful, hard ones fade.


I have been perusing my photos to brighten this blog, but there too few that succinctly depict my thoughts tonight--I would have to add dozens. So, words will have to suffice.

Best parts of 2010, for me:

***** Davis Family Reunion Cruise when we connected physically and emotionally.

***** Sweet honoring of my mother for her birthday and Mother's Day with a super visit in Florida. She is a beautiful woman of grace that I continue to model.

*****Safe and wondrous trip from Texas to Alaska with Hillary.
Our Great Northern Adventure that precipitated the writing of this blog.

***** Working at a job I loved in Alaska that began in June
and went much longer than originally planned.

***** Month of vacation back in Texas with Jack and family.

***** Arrival of beautiful baby Abigail.

And what have I learned from these treasured memories?

That a mother is God's gift and I am so blessed to still have mine.

Time spent playing and laughing is not time wasted.

Hours in a hammock under the palms enhance outward and inward beauty.

And cuddling a newborn grandchild fills my heart and soul to overflowing!
I hope that, despite some events of 2010 in your life,
you can find memories worth treasuring.

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